18 mai 2021
Welcome to the Apache OFBiz developer manual. This manual provides information to help with customizing and developing OFBiz. If you are new to OFBiz and interested in learning how to use it, you may want to start with the "Apache OFBiz User Manual".
OFBiz is a large system composed of multiple subsystems. This manual attempts to introduce the overall architecture and high level concepts, followed by a detailed description of each subsystem. In addition, the manual will cover topics necessary for developers including the development environment, APIs, deployment, security, and so on.
OFBiz at its core is a collection of systems:
A web server (Apache Tomcat)
A web MVC framework for routing and handling requests.
An entity engine to define, load and manipulate data.
A service engine to define and control business logic.
A widget system to draw and interact with a user interface.
On top of the above mentioned core systems, OFBiz provides:
A data model shared across most businesses defining things like orders, invoices, general ledgers, customers and so on.
A library of services that operate on the above mentioned data model such as "createBillingAccount" or "updateInvoice" and so on.
A collection of applications that provide a user interface to allow users to interact with the system. These applications usually operate on the existing data model and service library. Examples include the "Accounting Manager" and "Order Manager".
A collection of optional applications called "plugins" that extend basic functionality and is the main way to add custom logic to OFBiz.
The basic unit in OFBiz is called "component". A component is at a minimum a folder with a file inside of it called "ofbiz-component.xml"
Every application in OFBiz is a component. For example, the order manager is a component, the accounting manager is also a component, and so on.
By convention, OFBiz components have the following main directory structure:
├── config/ - Properties and translation labels (i18n)
├── data/ - XML data to load into the database
├── entitydef/ - Defined database entities
├── groovyScripts/ - A collection of scripts written in Groovy
├── minilang/ - A collection of scripts written in minilang (deprecated)
├── ofbiz-component.xml - The OFBiz main component configuration file
├── servicedef - Defined services.
├── src/
├── docs/ - component documentation source
└── main/java/ - java source code
└── test/java/ - java unit-tests
├── testdef - Defined integration-tests
├── webapp - One or more Java webapps including the control servlet
└── widget - Screens, forms, menus and other widgets
It is apparent from the above directory structure that each OFBiz component is in fact a full application as it contains entities, data, services, user interface, routing, tests, and business logic.
Both core OFBiz applications as well as plugins are nothing more than components. The only difference is that core applications reside in the "applications" folder whereas plugins reside in the "plugins" folder; also OFBiz does not ship with plugins by default.
Many basic concepts were explained so far. An example would help in putting all of these concepts together to understand the bigger picture. Let us take an example where a user opens a web browser and enters a certain URL and hits the enter key. What happens? It turns out answering this question is not quite simple because lots of things occur the moment the user hits "enter".
To try to explain what happens, take a look at the below diagram. Do not worry if it is not fully understandable, we will go through most of it in our example.
In the first step in our example, the user enters the following URL:
If we break down this URL, we identify the following parts:
localhost: Name of the server in which OFBiz is running
8443: Default https port for OFBiz
accounting: web application name. A web application is something which is defined inside a component
control: Tells OFBiz to transfer routing to the control servlet
findInvoices: request name inside the control servlet
The Java Servlet Container (tomcat) re-routes incoming requests through web.xml to a special OFBiz servlet called the control servlet. The control servlet for each OFBiz component is defined in controller.xml under the webapp folder.
The main configuration for routing happens in controller.xml. The purpose of this file is to map requests to responses.
A request in the control servlet might contain the following information:
Define communication protocol (http or https) as well as whether authentication is required.
Fire up an event which could be either a piece of code (like a script) or a service.
Define a response to the request. A response could either be another request or a view map.
So in this example, the findInvoices request is mapped to a findInvoices view.
A view map maps a view name to a certain view-type and a certain location.
View types can be one of:
screen: A screen widget which translates to normal HTML.
screenfop: A PDF screen designed with Apache FOP based constructs.
screencsv: A comma separated value output report.
screenxml: An XML document.
simple-content; A special MIME content type (like binary files).
ftl: An HTML document generated directly from a FreeMarker template.
screenxls: An Excel spreadsheet.
In the findInvoices example, the view-map type is a normal screen which is mapped to the screen: component://accounting/widget/InvoiceScreens.xml#FindInvoices
Once the screen location is identified and retrieved from the previous step, the OFBiz widget system starts to translate the XML definition of the screen to actual HTML output.
A screen is a collection of many different things and can include:
Other screens
Decorator screens
Conditional logic for hiding / showing parts of the screen
data preparation directives in the <action> tag
Platform specific code (like FreeMarker for HTML output)
Others (portals, images labels etc …)
Continuing the example, the FindInvoices screen contains many details including two forms. One form is for entering invoice search fields and the other form displays search results.
there are two supports for OFbiz documentation, the wiki and some mains documents (in pdf and html format)
The OFBiz documents are generated from a number of Asciidoc files. In general the files are stored on each component
in the 'src/docs/asciidoc' directories.
The general main documents include all files from component.
The manuals and guidelines documents are located in docs/asciidoc directories, and REAME.adoc is in root directory.
Help link in the OFBiz user interface, are link to the user-manual generated by buildbot process from Apache OFBiz community. It’s possible to change a property in OFBiz to have link to your own generation.
For details about asciidoc rules used in Apache OFBiz have a look to Documentation Guidelines
All main files of each component are included in user-manual.adoc
All main files of each component are included in developer-manual.adoc except for webtools which is included in user-manual
For the main files of the plugin components, there are two ways to read them.
On the one hand, the plugin documentation generation process generates one document per plugin, so that you can see the list of documents in the pluginsdoc directory and thus read each of them;
On the other hand, each plugin master file is included in the plugin chapter of the user manual or developer manual, depending on whether the plugin is "technical" or "functional".
Wiki is the second way to contribute to the documentation. Detail on how to Help for providing help content is on the wiki [smile o]
Most of wiki page has been or will be migrated to the asciidoc pages, but, as wiki is more easier to be update (update existing page or create new one) the two system will continue to exist and live.
Documentation Guidelines is the first doc to read to be able to contribute to documentation and/or help.
If you are looking for asciidoc files format examples, please look at the following files:
An example for a chapter of a component at: applications/humanres/src/docs/asccidoc/_include/hr-intro.adoc
An example of a help screen: applications/humanres/src/docs/asccidoc/_include/HELP-hr-main.adoc
If you would like to create a new help for a certain screen, you need to do the following:
Write documentation in a functional point of view and in a process perspective.
Each title (in all level) generate in html an anchor, so starting point of the help should be a title.
Take the anchor generated (something like _the_title , with only lowercase), for example by looking in the html file generated.
In the screen add a <set field
for helpAnchor
with anchor generated as value.
Currently documentation is only in English (except for 3 or 4 files, not included).
In near future, there will be a solution to be able to have documentation/help in multiple languages, a jira (OFBIZ-12030) is open of that.
The switching between locale will be completely automatic (depending on OFBiz user local)
The OFBiz webapp is one of the core framework components. It is tightly integrated with other framework components.
In some cases you need to split the OFBiz applications on different servers, and possibly in production on different domains. This can happen for different reasons, most often for performance reason.
As it’s annoying to give each time a credential when changing from an OFBiz application to another on the same server, the same applies when changing from an OFBiz application to another on another domain.
To prevent that on the same server, the ExternalLoginKey mechanism is used. The cross-domains SSO feature allows to navigate from a domain to another with automated SSO.
It based on 3 technologies:
Ajax, now well known I guess, in OFBiz we use jQuery for that.
The mechanism is simple.
When an user log in in an application (webApp) a webappName.securedLoginId cookie is created. This cookie will be used by the mechanism to know the current logged in user. Note that all webappName.securedLoginId cookies are deleted when the user session is closed or time out. Hence (apart also using an intrinsically secured cookie) the mechanim is secured, even on shared machines. Of course if people are sharing a machine during their sessions, things could get complicated. This unlikely later case is not taken in account.
The user is given a JavaScript link which passes the URL to reach and the calling webapp name to the sendJWT() Ajax function.
The sendJWT() Ajax function calls the loadJWT() Ajax function which in turn calls the CommonEvents::loadJWT method through the common controller.
The CommonEvents::loadJWT method uses the calling webapp name to retrieve the userLoginId from the secured webappName.securedLoginId cookie, creates a JWT containing the userLoginId, and returns it to the loadJWT() Ajax function.
Then the sendJWT() Ajax function sends an Authorization header containing the JWT to the URL to reach. At this stage, if all things are correct, the flow leaves the source side.
A CORS policy is needed. Without it, the Authorization token containing the JWT will be rejected. It’s a simple policy but you need to strictly define the authorized domains. Never use the lazy "*" for domains (ie all domains), else the preflight request will not work. Here is an example for Apache HTTPD (domain value is "https://localhost:8443" for official OFBiz demo):
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin domain
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Headers "Authorization"
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Credentials "true"
The checkJWTLogin preprocessor, similar to the checkExternalLoginKey, intercepts the JWT, checks it and if all is OK signs the user on. That’s it !
In the example component, the FormWidgetExamples screen contains 2 new fields in the LinksExampleForm which demonstrate the use from a local instance to the trunk demo instance.
If you are interested in more details you may refer to https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-10307
There is a data import tool in OFBiz called the DataFile tool.
It uses XML files that describe flat file formats (including character delimited, fixed width, etc) and parses the flat files
based on those definitions. So, by design it is somewhat like the Entity Engine.
It uses a generic object to represent a row in the flat file.
It includes features like a line type code for each line and can support hierarchical flat files
(ie where parent/child relationships are implied by sub-records).
The code is in the ofbiz/framework/datafile directory, and there is an XSD there to describe how the data file definition XML file should look.
The DataFile has a web page in WebTools to parse data files and generate entity xml files (that can be imported in OFBiz) from them, and to do in/outtesting.
both the import of fixed width flat files and character delimited files are implemented.
File : this is an xml file that contains one or more "Data File Definition"s;
the grammar of the file is defined in framework/datafile/dtd/datafile.xsd
Data file Definition : the definition of a data file structure (e.g. names/types of the fields/columns in a "Data File";
the same "Data File" could have more than one "Data File Definition"s (e.g. the definitions could consider different subsets of all the fields available in the data file).
Data file : the text file that contains all the data (a fixed width or a character delimited text file)
Prerequisites: a definition file (containing the fields' definition of the data file) and a data file (containing the data you want to parse/import) should be available in the OFBiz server.Steps:
connect to the Webtools application
go to the "Work With Data Files" screen
enter the path to the your definition file in the "Definition Filename or URL" input field
click on the submit button>
the "Data File Definition Name" input field will be changed into a drop down box containing all the definitions available in the definition file
select the definition you want to use from the drop down box>
enter the path to the your data file in the "Data Filename or URL" input field
if you want to generate an entity xml file that can be later imported in OFBiz, enter a path for it in the "Save to entity xml file:
input field and click on the submit button; the file will be created
(see the paragraph "Tips to create Entity Xml Files" for more details)
<field name="productId" type="String">
021196033702 ,5031BB GLITTER GLUE PENS BRIGH ,1 ,5031BB , 1, 299,
021196043121 ,BB4312 WONDERFOAM ASSORTED ,1 ,BB4312 , 1, 280,
021196055025 ,9905BB PLUMAGE MULTICOLOURED ,1 ,9905BB , 4, 396,
<data-files xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://ofbiz.apache.org/dtds/datafiles.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<data-file name="posreport" separator-style="fixed-length" type-code="text">
<record name="tillentry" limit="many">
<field name="tillCode" type="String" length="16" position="0"></field>
<field name="name" type="String" length="32" position="17"></field>
<field name="prodCode" type="String" length="12" position="63"></field>
<field name="quantity" type="String" length="8" position="76"></field>
<field name="totalPrice" type="String" length="8" position="85"></field>
<data-files xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://ofbiz.apache.org/dtds/datafiles.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<data-file name="stockdata" separator-style="fixed-record" type-code="text" record-length="768">
<record name="stockdataitem" limit="many">
<field name="barcode" type="NullTerminatedString" length="12" position="0"></field>
<field name="prodCode" type="NullTerminatedString" length="12" position="68"></field>
<field name="price" type="LEInteger" length="4" position="80"></field>
<field name="name" type="NullTerminatedString" length="30" position="16"></field>
In the interface enter something like:
Definition Filename or URL: posschema.xml
Data File Definition Name: posreport
Data Filename or URL: posreport.csv
Unresolved directive in <stdin> - include::../../applications/datamodel/DATAMODEL_CHANGES.adoc[leveloffset=+2]
A description of the service engine can be found at the OFBiz wiki Service Engine Guide
Unresolved directive in <stdin> - include::../../themes/docs/themes.adoc[leveloffset=+2]
SinglePageApplication or GUI done with a front done with a Javascript framework
done with Vue.Js framework, and Vuetify Material-Design library
vuejs component included a FrontJs-Renderer (similar as Macro-Renderer) usable to handle user interface with modern javascript framework (Vue.Js, React, Angular, ect…) to be able to build a Single Page Application for one or more OFBiz component.
It use the standard OFBiz Widget System defined by XML and a vuejs application.
This component is currently at Work In Progress state, it aims to concretely build applications/components in order
to discuss the development process and the use of the application.
It is produced in an "Agility" spirit which mean that it focus to result in despite of some technical debt.
Currently there are still some TODO in the code and choice has been made to implement only xml tags and attributes which are used,
at least, in one application/component.
XML tag or attribute not yet implemented generate warning or error.
This documentation aim to,
Explain the current state of the component, how it work and which points had been choose or took away.
Document how to use it to develop OFBiz application by explaining each specific item by example.
The two main goal of using a javascript framework for user interface is
to have a "modern" look and feel
using recent GUI library
usable in multiple context (PC, tablet, smartphone)
to increase interactive elements in screen, even if theses screens are based on standard modules :
update some part of the screen by action or by data update;
modify forms field as function of other field values;
simpler screen configuration without having to worry about screenlet interaction.
Actually the first javascript application enabling to use portlet system - portal Apache OFBiz is written with the Vue.js framework.
Vue.js has been choose for its easy learning curve and its community driven development instead of a corporation.
In Vue.js, library vuetify has been choosen, because it’s base on material design and have e very active community, so seem
to be the most used vue.js GUI libraries.
From a standard trunk ofbiz-framework with 205914a1beb commit or superior (that can be downloaded at documentation standard SourceRepository using git).
Create the 'plugins' repository at ofbiz-framework root folder.
In the Apache OFBiz plugins repository, download the next repository using git :
example plugin at http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/ofbiz/ofbiz-plugins/trunk/example
In the ofbizextra plugins repository, download the 3 next repositories using git :
vuejsportal plugin that can be downloaded at https://gitlab.ofbizextra.org/ofbizextra/ofbizplugins/vuejsPortal all vuejs components, a new ScreenViewHandler and 4 new renderers (screen, form, menu, tree) and all common files to all fjs component.
examplefjs plugin that can be downloaded at https://gitlab.ofbizextra.org/ofbizextra/ofbizplugins/examplefjs.git specifics files for using vue.js with ofbiz example component
flatgreyfjs plugin that can be downloaded at https://gitlab.ofbizextra.org/ofbizextra/ofbizplugins/flatgreyfjs.git dedicated theme for vue.js with vuetify library
In the ofbizextra git repository download ofbizJiraPatchAvailable project
If there are some files, some patch may be necessary for this POC, for each patch you can goto JIRA
to have more explanation for each.
To apply them it is recommended to create a branch on your ofbiz, and apply the patchs with git command
git am patchName
. Currently these patchs are necessary:
OFBIZ-11645_0001-simple-methods-optional-in-compound-file.patch ⇐ compound-widget files are used in POC
OFBIZ-11676_0001-Fixed-drop-down-field-not-work-when-in-a-compound-wi.patch ⇐ compound-widget files are used in POC
OFBIZ-11708_0001-fixed-sort-order-field-not-works-in-CompoundWidgets.patch ⇐ compound-widget files are used in POC
If there are some files in the ofbizCommit2add, it’s some patch waiting jira creation or dedicated for this POC,
so it’s needed to apply them too
with git am fileName
at the ofbiz root directory (replace fileName by the patch file name and path)
After that you have to modify some files of ofbiz-framework (ex: model.java because some tag are added).
For that, a (bash) script exist, it’s located in the 'plugins/vuejs' :
And then copy some files
rsync -a --exclude-from=./ofbizFiles/rsyncExcludes ./ofbizFiles/ ../../
To be able to build the vue.js application you must have Node.js installed on your system.
To install Node.js on a debian based system, execute the following commands :
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_8.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
In case of another system, you can consult https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager/#debian-and-ubuntu-based-linux-distributions
Meanwhile an integrated gradle command
Being located at 'plugins/vuejs/webapp/vuejs'
npm i
⇐ to install the project dependencies
npm run build-prod
⇐ to build the project (it’s possible to use build-dev to be able to use browser dev-tools)
You can now launch OFBiz as regular :
./gradlew cleanAll loadAll ofbiz
(being located at the root of ofbiz-framework )
You can now connect to the application portal at https://localhost:8443/examplefjs/control/main
Apache OFBiz trunk branch usage.
Principe and architecture of Apache OFBiz Portal Page and Porlet usage.
The whole use cases are applied to example component and during the POC some new files used which should to be located in common have been moved to examplefjs aiming to simplify the installation and update process.
With examplefjs, there is an additional webapp (examplefjs), it centralize allowed URIs for vuejs component,
currently this applicationName is listed in constantes.js file.
vuejs component is not bound to a component, it just need a base URI for send its requests.
This uri is temporary set in constantes.js but it will be more flexible later aiming to use vuejs with multiple components
Portal component ( https://localhost:8443/examplefjs/control/login ) use ofbiz standard login by cookies mechanism, it will later use ofbiz login by token (cf. https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-9833).
screens, forms, menus used for portlets are defined with xml, and dedicated files for better readability.
There is a component (vuejs) for each ofbiz screen element ( SingleItemRow ⇒ vue.single-item-row ), which are defined by
renderer for screen, form and menu ( and for html renderer that correspond globally to macro.ftl ). Actually, for the POC,
to list them, you can search in vuejs existing file for Vue*.vue
in webapp/vuejs/src/component/ .
During the POC, few new properties or XML tags had been added but some of existing tags and properties had been distorted for an exclusive Vue.Js use.
in <container
container is the main piece of dynamics screen (update a part of screen on event)
is used to identify the container and enable to inject content into it with set-area
When set-area is done for this id, its content will be replace by the content received from area-target.
So, do not resend the container !
(new attribute) is a name in the local store (in web browser) which can contain some data (parameters).
It’s possible to update watcher content with a set-watcher
. Each time the watcher content changes,
the auto-update-target
is called using watcher content as parameters to update the container.
If refresh-area
is call, the refresh is done by using auto-update-target and watcher content (if exist).
is used to bind a watcher
to the container.
To use it with set-watcher, a new attribute watcher-name
has been added, and when the content of this this watcher
changes a set-area is done with auto-update-target as target and watcher content as parameters.
support the REST uri format with some parameters in it include with {}, value is populate with
content of watcher content. If uri contain, at least one {xxx} or have no parameters a GET method will be used
otherwise a POST will be used.
collapsible, if collapsible = "true" then it’s necessary to have a "unique" id to know what collapse when button is clicked.
It’s possible to have multiple screenlet with same id or each with a different one.
So, it’s important to give a id
if collapsible ="true" otherwise collapse will collapse all screenlet without id !
id : is manatory if the screenlet should be collapse
in platform-specific
tag a new tag
is to call a specifics vuejs component named component-name
it’s possible to give to it some parameters with sub tag parameters
property entity-name
is mandatory for grid or single form, vuejs use it to build entity store.
When entity-name, exist data print to screen are associated to the web-browser local store, so when a data
change in one screenlet, same data in an other screenlet will change too.
in <on-event-update-area
tag (there can be many of them and they will be executed in xml apparition order. It will wait
current task is completed before starting the next one. If any of these events is set, the submit button will prevent
the form default behaviour, so if you need to post in addition to vuejs feature you must add an event-type submit
Define the action to be executed during the form submitting (click on submit button). It can take one of next values :
will submit the form to area-target
with provided parameter
elements. Like set-area
if no parameter
are defined it will use the whole form. Error and success messages will be displayed.
Form target
support the REST uri format with some parameters in it include with {}, value is populate with
content of form - fields when submit.
The http method used is POST, but you can add a field _method to choose the method received by the ofbiz controler
(ex: PUT for an update)
update area with id areaId
with the post result at URI area-target
with included parameter
If uri contain, at least one {xxx} or have no parameters a GET method will be used otherwise a POST will be used.
similar with set-area but target used will be the auto-update-target
define at the container level
and, if a watcher-name is define for this container, it’s content will be used as parameters (for solving {} in target
or as parameters if no {} in target.
update watcher areaId
with included parameter
. In case no parameter was passed to set-watcher
it will use all form fields to update watcher content.
all container which watch a watcher-name are update when watcher content change, with refresh-watcher
update is done without change watcher content.
do an action on collapse/expand screenlet.
is the action to do : collapse or expand or toggle;
is the screenlet name
to change.
close the current modal, currently area-id
is necessary, when modal is open for a lookup areaId is
{formName}_{fieldName}; area-target is not used, so can be left empty.
in <on-field-event-update-area
tag (there can be many of them and they will be executed in xml apparition order. It will wait
current task is completed before starting the next one.)
Define the action to be executed during the click on the associated hyperlink (<a link or button). It can take one of next values :
will post at URI area-target
with the parameter
elements included in the tag. If there are no parameters,
it will use the whole form. It will display error and success messages.
will post at URI area-target
with the http methof PUT if target contain {xxxx} xxxx will be replace by value
if xxxx is define in parameters included in the tag. If there are no parameters, it will use the whole form.
It will display error and success messages.
will post at URI area-target
with the http methof DELETE if target contain {xxxx} xxxx will be replace by value
if xxxx is define in parameters included in the tag. If there are no parameters, it will use the whole form.
It will display error and success messages.
update area with id areaId
with the post result at URI area-target
with included parameter
If uri contain, at least one {xxx} or have no parameters a GET method will be used otherwise a POST will be used.
similar with set-area but target used will be the auto-update-target
define at the container level
and, if a watcher-name is define for this container, it’s content will be used as parameters (for solving {} in target
or as parameters if no {} in target.
update watcher areaId
with included parameter
. In case no parameter was passed to set-watcher
it will use all form fields to update watcher content.
all container which watch a watcher-name are update when watcher content change, with refresh-watcher
update is done without change watcher content.
will set the value of property area-target
from form area-id
from the actual field value.
do an action on collapse/expand screenlet.
is the action to do : collapse or expand or toggle;
is the screenlet name
to change.
close the current modal, area-id
is to know which modal close, when modal is open for a lookup areaId is
if area-id is empty all modal are closed;
area-target is not used, so can be left empty.
in parameters
allow to automatically fill necessary portlet parameters :
in <hyperlink
is used to make an internal call to FrontJs via set-area
, target-window
is used as
id to update and target
as area-target, parameters as parameters.
is used to design the watcherName that have to be updated.
three new modes is added to be able to give the http method to use, POST is the default
intra-post : do a http POST request for the set-area, and so sending multiple parameters
intra-put : do the http request with a PUT method
intra-delete : do the http request with a DELETE method
in <link
is used to make an internal call to FrontJs via set-area
, target-window
is used as
id to update and target
as area-target, it’s a http get so parameters should be in target and
if there area some {xxx} in target they will be replace by correct value with fields list in parameters.
(default value) and url-mode="intra-app"
call the target-url to print a new
page (using internal routing).
is used to open a modal windows and do a set-area in it
three new modes is added to be able to give the http method to use, POST is the default (except for set-area)
intra-post : do a http POST request for the set-area, and so sending multiple parameters
intra-put : do the http request with a PUT method
intra-delete : do the http request with a DELETE method
Currently vuejs app is call in a ftl included in the classic mainDecorator, without application menu (which are directly manage by vuejsApp cf Specifics URI).
Currently a specifics theme has created, to be able to remove most of css to avoid "conflict" with vuetify lib. This theme is forced in the main decorator of the application.
is a specifics one for VueJs, but its usage is same as the standard one. It contain 2 main specificity
for autocomplete return, all data are in viewData
for search - result, when lookup receive parameters.lookupResult = "Y" only result form is sent to be injected in area lookup-results
LookupForm - find
it’s necessary to add a hidden field
<field name="lookupResult"><hidden value="Y"/></field>
it’s necessary to add 2 on-event-update-are,
first one to send result in the area lookup-result
second one to collapse Find screenlet (if you want collapse it
<on-event-update-area event-type="set-area" area-id="lookup-results" area-target="LookupExample"/>
<on-event-update-area event-type="collapse" area-id="LookupFindScreenlet" area-target="collapse"/>
LookupForm - list
for the link return field, 2 on-field-event-update-area must be added
first one to set Field which call the lookup with the correct value
second one to close the modal
<on-field-event-update-area event-type="set-field-in-form" area-id="SelectExample" area-target="exampleId" />
<on-field-event-update-area event-type="close-modal" area-id="SelectExample_exampleId" area-target="" />
, is a specifics one for VueJs, but its usage is same as the standard one. Its specificity is about
ListResult update. Some modifications should be done in the find form
add a hidden field onlyList
<field name="onlyList"><hidden value="Y"/><!-- used by FindScreenDecorator to only send list result --></field>
add a on-event-update-area to update List result area
<on-event-update-area area-target="findExample" event-type="set-area" area-id="search-results"/><!-- When parameters-map is empty all form field are sent -->
add a on-event-update-area to collapse find screenlet (optional)
<on-event-update-area event-type="collapse" area-id="findScreenlet" area-target="collapse"/>
A new viewHandler and a new set of renderer had been created.
A new package had been created in org.apache.ofbiz.widget.renderer named frontJs which contain all new renderer.
In this package, there is a new FrontJsOutput class which allow to construct necessary elements whit the wished format. An object of this class is instantiate at the begin of viewHandler process, then is completed by rendered object call.
Uri showPortletFj of component examplefjs use the new viewHandler to return screen render result, showPortlet.
This URI is used by Vue.Js application for display information gathering.
New viewHandle return a json which contain 2 maps ( viewScreen and viewEntities ).
viewScreen contain all information about display.
viewEntities contain all information about data set.
In future revision, it will probably be feasible to only receive the data map.
there is a showPortal URI in vuejs (CommonScreen), which is the Start point of the VueJs application.
showPortlet screen is redefine in this POC for simplification purpose, to only do what we want.
applicationMenu is a new uri which return with the FrontJsScreenViewHandler the data (ViewScreen & ViewData) from application xml menu.
In each fjs component, it’s necessary to define a view-map entry applicationMenu pointing to a screen.xml with only the correct menu.
For OFBiz applications URI structure is : {resourceName}/{cover}/{Pkvalue: .*}
So, for Example resource, it translate into :
method |
Goal |
Example/find |
get |
find form to select options for list |
Example/list |
get (via post) |
Example list, |
Example/create |
get |
create form |
Example/edit/{exampleId} |
get |
edit form and data for the id sent |
Example/show/{exampleId} |
get |
show form and data for the id sent |
Example/summary/{exampleId} |
get |
summary form and data for the id sent |
Example/data/{exampleId} |
get |
just data for the id sent |
Example/change |
post |
create a example |
Example/change/{exampleId} |
put (via post) |
update example with exampleId |
Example/change/{exampleId} |
delete |
delete example with exampleId |
All these actions([cover]) is about screenlet (part of a page), if cover should be for a page, its name is suffix by Pg.
HTTP request other than POST method cannot have parameters (other than in URI) so to be able to do a GET or a PUT with parameters
a workarround is to used a POST with added <field name="_method"><hidden value="GET"> (or "PUT") in the form (or as one of the parameters).
TOMCAT httpServlet.java not manage PATCH method, so it’s not usable |
A new field had been added to PortalPagePortlet entity : watcherName which is the name of the watcher that fire portlet update.
ftl file can be mixed with Vue.js app, so it’s necessary to create a dedicated component by ftl migrated. Look at
XML tags used on point platform-specific
- vuejs
Currently VueJs POC is only able to manage PortalPage, but it will be simple to manage all other screen types.
The Objective here is to make different use cases portal page to work.
At the menu, there are different pages, actually the name of portal pages name are MgmtPageFrontJs and RecapPageFrontJs.
The first page aim to find and edit examples.
The second page aim to show all properties of a given example.
For each portlet present in theses pages, a portlet component is created in Vue.js with the portlet name which initialise itself with showPortletFj.
ShowPortletFj give the component all information about components it have to render (viewScreen) and data set it have to work with (viewEntities). Actually ShowPortletFj respond with a JSON.
Actually FrontJsViewHandler send all information to component who need update. In a client side logic, ViewScreen would be send only the first time while the portlet call information then would only care about ViewEntity which update the data set it work on.
Actually "use-when" are handled by ofbiz in model model management whatever level they belong to (screen, form, field, menu), so we can’t get this information in the renderer. Later, we had to transmit to renderer all screen elements and if there was "use-when" for manage them in the frontend. This way next call could sent "use-when" correct value to properly update the final screen.
This list contain only points which are already meet in use case process.
Most of time, each new use case (or portlet) give new task (ex: new field type not yet meet, or field properties not yet process)
review and change field-find to include title in the field to remove the "title" coloumn in find form
Manage the ConfMod in the showPortalPage, to show (and manage) the portlet parameters page.
do a uri to send label for login screen, to be able to have translation in login screen
Include header and footer in the VueJs application to have a full page manage by VueJs, and so have a complete Vue.Js look.
Include all Common and Commonext part, like systemInfoNote
use VuejsRouter to be able to manage all screenType
showPortletFj* must verify security about field SecurityServiceName and SecurityMainAction.
Start of documentation for all portletwidget migration
create/copy the screen in {component}PortletScreen and remove <portalPortlet properties
component, subComponent, useScreen
add screenName and screenLocation
useScript, useMenu
copy the forms (and update screen if necessary)
update screen with portletUiLabelDecorator
update screen with screenlet and container if menu need it (id for setArea)
update screen with script, if necessary
update screen with menu, if necessary
copy from controller for uri edit and action
in Menu, replace
<show-portlet portlet-id="${portalPortletId}" target="EditPersonPt" area-id="${subAreaDivId}"
image-location="${iconsPurpose.Edit}" image-title="${uiLabelMap.IconsTooltips_Edit}">
<parameter param-name="partyId" from-field="parameters.partyId"/>
<link text="Edit" target="editperson" link-type="anchor" target-window="viewPartyInfo"> <!-- usage du target-window pourdonner l'id de destination -->
<parameter param-name="partyId" from-field="parameters.partyId"/>
<parameter param-name="DONE_PAGE" from-field="DONE_PAGE"/>
<!-- TODO is it necessary to have 3 parameters not auto-parameters -->
<!-- <parameter param-name="portalPageId" from-field="parameters.portalPageId"/> -->
<!-- <parameter param-name="portalPortletId" from-field="parameters.portalPortletId"/> -->
<!-- <parameter param-name="portletSeqId" from-field="parameters.portletSeqId"/> -->
<image src="${iconsPurpose.Edit}" title="${uiLabelMap.IconsTooltips_Edit}"/>
All example management by the two portal page ExampleMgmt et ExampleRecap.
On the find, the sub list are not yet manage.
Party component will the next step whith most of its functions
A Vue.Js component is defined by 3 distinct blocks ( template, script, style ) which are regrouped in a single '.vue' file.
Template :
Template must be contained in a single root element (div, span, table, ect… )
In template we can access computed properties and function with double curly bracket {{}}
Classic html attributes can be preceded by ':' to use script properties and js code instead of plain text
Vue.Js give us some directives (v-for, v-if v-on:click, ect…) that are bind to script context and work like a classic attribute preceded by ':' and so can bind to script part and interpret js.
Script section is wrapped into an export default {}
that contain the whole script elements.
TIP: import have to be made before this export
This export is a map that can contain predefined keys used by Vue.Js (data, computed, methods, props, created, ect…)
data() is a function that contain variable used is the component context.
All variable contained in data() are reactive, which mean that Vue.Js will track any change on them and will reverberate
theses changes everywhere there are used to reevaluate render.
computed is a map that contain evaluation based on reactive data.
They can be used like a reactive variable in the component and will reevaluate itself when one of its entry had changed.
methods is a map containing helper function (handleClick, doPost, ect…).
WARNING: these functions don’t aim to be reactive.
props is an array of string who give attribute to the component for passing data from its parent to it.
This section can also contain hooks of the component life cycle (created(), mount(), beforeUpdate(), ect…).
Theses block of code will be executed when the hook is fired.
See below :
This part is dedicated to internal css of the component.
Style of this part is applied before other style of the project.
Vuex is the centralised state system of the application. It allow us to create 'store' which contain data that can be accessed/modified by any component of the application.
A store is composed of 4 elements :
State is a map that contain all stored informations.
State can only be modify by mutation
Default state’s data will be reactive.
If Data had to be added in the state after its creation, they must be added with the method Vue.set()
for them to be reactive.
Mutations is a map that contain function allowed to alter state.
By convention, mutation’s key have to be upper-case.
Mutations can’t be accessed through code, they must be called by actions.
Mutations must be synchronous.
Mutation first aim to fire mutation.
Actions can be asynchronous, in which case there return a promise.
Getters allow to access state data.
Getters are reactive.
Getters can use parameters, if they are they return a function instead of a reactive variable.
Store can be split into modules who can be described in an index.js file, stores can so be stored into a modules repository.
Aiming to have an open and modular ERP, it’s important that the user interface configuration allow to manage multiple screens from a set of screen "module" for manage same business object type in different business context.
Next chapters describe a user interface management system’s POC aiming to respond to theses modularity needs.
Theses use cases are to be used for new UI POC, documentation associated and selenium unit task test.
All these use cases should be done with existing entities and services, if it’s necessary to develop one, simplify the use case, the goal is UI, not service or entity.
These use case description are done in a agile philosophy, only main point is present and during realization details choices will be discuss and done.
In this document, the term "application" corresponding to "plugin component" in the ofbiz terminology which is not same as a "applications/trunk component" in ofbiz terminology. An application is dedicated for a business purpose for a user type, it’s build by assembling piece of ofbiz components, sometimes without any specifics entities, services and screen (ex: CRM-B2C, CRM-B2B, SFA are 3 applications uses by sales men)
Each use case is on an "application" and is part of one of the menu of this application.
Of course, this document describe only menu-option needed by the use-case. As it’s difficult to do a clear definition of "web-page" because it’s depending of theme/template, use case is for me at two level :
screen, which can be well define
page, which depend on default theme
Of course, some of use case (screen or page) will be done by a previous one (ex : sometime edit is done by the same screen as add). It’s even, one of the re-usable important point (UI, Doc and Selenium)
Each time a line (or point) start by a "?" the question is "is this point is needed ?"
Goal is the POC realization, not doing multiple super applications. POC realization should generate discussion and decision, each time be careful to mainly discuss on UI, Doc or Selenium and not on use case business justification. Use case are to be realistic but mainly as a support for a specifics UI, Doc or Selenium needed.
Main Goal is to proof the technical points. Of course UI re-organization is the driver for this phase, documentation start to work in parallel but will wait first realization to test integration for help. For selenium unit task, it will be a simple usage of the new UI with the default theme, the sole purpose being to check that test with default theme is simple.
So never mind if all cases is not done, the list exist to give different classic case what we will need to know how to process it. Some case which seem to be duplicate from other can be use for beginner who want to help and check if the concept is understanding.
During V1 realization, UseCase list will be updated
Main Goal is to check if the solution is useful for the different type of contributors
experiment developer
beginner developer
functional consultant for parameters
functional consultant for personalization
? end user - for parameters ? (if it’s still possible with the new architecture)
Use Case list will be use as a deployment plan. The list contains similar case to these which are realize in V1, so those on V2 can be achieve by all types of contributors.
Apache OFBiz User documentation (asscidoc)
Apache OFBiz web site wiki
OFBiz Help
demo data for each use case and scenario
selenium scenario test for each page (or page group)
selenium unit test for each screen
in HR application, simple employee management
in CRM B2C application, simple customer (person) management
in eCommerce, simple profile page
in HR application, simple organization/place (group) management
in CRM B2B application, simple customer (company) management
in Facility application, simple worker management
Party - Person - PartyGroup
Contact Mech,
with postal address, phone and mail;
one or two fixes purpose (ex: phone fix number and mobile phone number)
Party Identification
Party association
Not UserLogin because all Security entities should be use and it will generate a too large domain for this POC
find, list
A person
add / edit, show
A group
add / edit, show
A company
add / edit, show
show a synthesis view (party/person/company, contact informations, roles, Identification)
Contact information
all contact informations (for one party / facility)
with and without purpose
with and without history
add / edit postal address
add / edit mail
add / edit phone
list for a party
add a role (for a parent RoleType)
add a role in two step :
select parent RoleType
select the role
remove a role
Party Identifications
list, add, remove
In HR Component, starting person management with the more complete form about person.
Menu option to manage employee
find, list, show, add, edit and manage his
contact information
identification (3 idTypes, one mandatory, two optionals)
template page with a header (or sidebar or …) to show on which employee we are
find Person
simple form (only on party or person)
with an add button (which can be show or not depending on parameter or authorization)
Person list with an add button (which can be show or not depending on parameter or authorization)
add a Person
show a Person
show a Person with sub-menu with two options : contact informations and Identifications
edit a Person
List of all contact informations for a person, with an add button (which can be show or not depending on parameter or authorization)
add a postal address
add a mail
add a phone number (to go step by step, without purpose management, will be done in next Use Case group)
edit a postal address
edit a mail
edit a phone number
List of all identification number for a person, with an add button (which can be show or not depending on parameter or authorization)
add a identification number with choice of identification type
edit a identification number with choice of identification type
add a identification number with a fix identification type
edit a identification number with a fix identification type
create a person
search a person
visualize a person
manage informations about a person
template page with a header (or sidebar or …) to show on which employee we are, (for example to show all his knowledges, or his skills, or his positions, or his …)
manage informations about a person on one page, and with access at this page directly by a field (auto-completion on id, first, last name)
In a CRM B2C application, the customer (so, in this context, a person) management.
The difference from previous use case group is :
person form is more simple than in HR
role will be used to characterize customer position (suspect, prospect, with_Quote, customer)
Menu option to manage employee
find (with role field), list, show, add, edit and manage his
contact informations
identification (3idTypes, one mandatory, two optionals)
template page with a header (or sidebar or …) to show on which customer we are
find Person with an add button (which can be show or not depending on parameter or authorization)
search field same as in HR find person
role field which can appear or not, when not appear a fix value has been put as parameters.
contact information field, phone, mail, town. These fields can be show or not by the user with a "deploy" button
Person list with an add button (which can be show or not depending on parameter or authorization)
role field appear or not, when not appear a fix value has been put as parameters, so only person with this role appear
add a Person, all main informations in the form
less field about person than in HR form
1 postal address
2 phone number
1 identification number
show a Person, all main informations in the screen with indicator for contact information and identification when there are more data that what it’s show.
show a Person with sub-menu with options :
contact informations
role history
change role : a direct action button
edit a Person, only "Person" field
a button bar to change role (ex: for a suspect, there are the 3 options), this use case is for having a action bar, in this business process case it’s maybe not a need, but for more complex object like order or task, it’s a classical need.
List of all contact informations for a person, with one or multiple add buttons (which can be show or not depending on parameter or authorization) and purpose are show, it’s the second step, with purpose management.
add a postal address (or just a purpose)
add a mail
add a phone number
edit a postal address
edit a mail
edit a phone number
List of all identification number for a person, with an add button (which can be show or not depending on parameter or authorization)
add a identification number with choice of identification type
edit a identification number with choice of identification type
create a new entry in CRM (role is choose during creation)
search a "customer" (or suspect, prospect, …)
visualize a "customer"
manage informations about a "customer"
template page with a header (or sidebar or …) to show on which "customer" we are, (for example to show all his quotes, or his orders, or …)
manage informations about a person on one page, and with access at this page directly by a field (auto-completion on id, first, last name)
A simple profile page.
The difference from previous use case will be mainly on Use Case Page
because eCommerce theme could be more original and public user interface
should be, most of the time, more simple.
show the person, all main informations in the screen with indicator for contact information and identification when there are more data that what it’s show.
show the Person with sub-menu with options :
contact informations
edit a Person, only "Person" field
List of all contact informations for a person, with an add button and purpose are show, purpose is need for invoice or shipping.
add a postal address (or just a purpose)
add a mail
add a phone number
edit a postal address
edit a mail
edit a phone number
visualize the profile (the person) with edit button
manage his contact informations
manage his identifications
All in one page, which can be look as a long page.
In HR component, a simple organization/place (group) management.
Now PartyGroup management (very simple), but with complex screen to
manage hierarchy. In this use case group we will use the word "group"
for service or department, or subsiadiry.
Menu option to manage the Company organization
manage group
associated employee in a group
manage a hierarchy of group
find group (with a specific partyType)
simple form (only on party or partyGroup)
with an add button (which can be show or not depending on parameter orauthorization)
PartyGroup list with an add button (which can be show or not dependingon parameter or authorization)
add a group
show a Person, all informations in screen with sub-menu with two options : contact informations and Identifications
edit a Group
List all contact informations for a group, with an add button (which can be show or not depending on parameter or authorization)
add a postal address
add a phone number
edit a postal address
edit a phone number
List all identification number for a group, with an add button (which can be show or not depending on parameter or authorization)
add a identification number with choice of identification type
edit a identification number with choice of identification type
add a identification number with a fix identification type
edit a identification number with a fix identification type
List all person associated to the group with two add buttons (which can be, individually, show or not depending on parameter or authorization)
add a manager
add a member
List all group associated to the group (the child) with two add buttons (which can be, individually, show or not depending on parameter or authorization)
add an existing group as a child
create a new group and add it as a child
in the list, each group is a link to this screen, to be able to navigate top-down
a third button to go to the parent level, to be able to navigate bottom-up
the name of the group manager appear above the list
? List all parent group for a group or for a person ?
show group hierarchy as a tree with action or detail at each level, top-down
show group hierarchy as a tree with action or detail at each level, bottom-up
search a group
manage a group
manage its contact informations
manage hierarchy step by step (parent to child or child to parent)
manage hierarchy with a tree view
in HR employee, show the tree, top-down or bottom-up with the template "for an employee"
In a CRM B2B application, the customer (so, in this context, a company) management.
For clarification, in these Use Cases, B2B is an other application than B2C.
The "CRM B2C & B2B" will be a third, but not in this list because
it contains no specificity on screen-page definition
The main difference between B2C is :
company versus person,
contact management with PartyAssociation
? customer organization management ?
find customer (a company (specific partyType)) with an add button (which can be show or not depending on parameter or authorization)
search field are on multiple entities with some part deploy or not
role field which can appear or not, when not appear a fix value has been put as parameters.
contact information field, phone, mail, town. These fields can be show or not by the user with a "deploy" button
Company list with an add button (which can be show or not depending on parameter or authorization)
role field appear or not, when not appear a fix value has been put as parameters, so only company with this role appear
add a Company, all main informations in the form
field from PartyGroup
1 postal address
2 phone number
2 identification number
show a Company, all main informations in the screen with indicator for contact informations and identification when there are more data that what it’s show.
show a Company with sub-menu with options :
contact informations
role history
change role : a direct action button
edit a Company, only "Company" field
a button bar to change role (ex: for a suspect, there are the 3
options), this use case is for having a action bar.
In this business process case it’s maybe not a need, but for more complex object like
order or task, it’s a classical need.
List of all contact informations for a company, with an add button (which can be show or not depending on parameter or authorization) and purpose are show, (so, with purpose management).
add a postal address (or just a purpose)
add a mail
add a phone number with purpose
edit a postal address
edit a mail
edit a phone number
List of all identification number for a company, with an add button (which can be show or not depending on parameter or authorization)
add a identification number with choice of identification type
edit a identification number with choice of identification type
list of contact (person) associated to this company with an add button (which can be show or not depending on parameter or authorization)
a contact is a person with contact information
list with only one line per contact
list of block with contact details for each
edit a contact or his contact information
Exactly the same as the CRMB2C
create a new entry in CRM (role is choose during creation)
search a "customer" (or suspect, prospect, …)
visualize a "customer"
manage informations about a "customer"
template page with a header (or sidebar or …) to show on which "customer" we are, (for example to show all his quotes, or his orders, or …)
manage informations about a company on one page, and with access at this page directly by a field (auto-completion on id, first, last name).
In Facility application, simple facility’s worker management.
For this last use case group, it’s a simplification of the previous one.
Only a very simple and short process for adding people.
It’s the last one, because the goal is to check if it’s easy and rapid to create (or parametrize) a new small application from existing one.
In the Warehouse Management application (simple version OOTB)
in the administration menu
the user menu to manage internal user per facility In the standard business process, it will be used mainly for login and authorization, in our case we will only manage person, his phone number and his facility (where he’s authorized)
the facility menu to manage contact informations and person authorized
find Person
simple form (only on party or person)
with an add button
Person list with an add button
add a Person, simple form 3-6 fields
show a Person
show a Person with sub-menu with option to manage contact informations
edit a Person
List of all contact informations for a person, with one or multiple add button
add a mail
add a phone number
edit a mail
edit a phone number
add a facility, simple form, if service exist, including some contact informations
List of all existing facility
List of all contact informations for a facility, with one or multiple add button
List of all persons associated to the facility, with two add button
add an existing person
create a new person and add it to the facility
List of all facility associated to a person, with one add button
add an existing facility
manage facilities
manage persons
visualize a facility details (info, contact informations, persons associated)
in a modular approach, screenlet is an autonomous part of the screen, which mean that there can be action that only alter this part of the screen, mainly fired by itself.
Sreenlet allow a huge modularity gain in user interface, that way an user action (click on a link, type in a field, ect…) must not precise the Sreenlet itself but a logical name which can be subscribed by one or more screenlet.
This logical name which is subscribed by screenlet is called watcherName
, this field is a new attribute for the container
They are objects stored in js store that can be altered remotely. watcher’s subscribers update themselves with the new value when it change.
It is the key of a watcher
The Webtools application is the UI-gateway to all the framework functions.
This is the default screen for the Webtools application.
Several links are present on this page to access specific tool screens directly.
Using the application menu you can select the tool you need.
The Logging section is used to view and configure the OFBiz system logs.
The Cache & Debug section is used to monitor the OFBiz cache system status. You can even set or clear some cache content or force Garbage collection with this tool.
The Artifact Info section is used to navigate through all OFBiz artifact files. When accessing this section the complete OFBiz code base is scanned and a list of all artifacts is offered to the user to be navigated. Please note that the initial scan can take a while to be completed.
The Entity Engine section is used to interact with the entities defined in the system. You can view the entity structures, search for entity content, navigate though related entities, etc.
The Service Engine section is used to interact with the services defined in the system. You can view all services details, monitor the jobs that are running, the active threads. You can even manually run a service or schedule a periodic/delaied job execution.
The Import/Export section is used to transfer entity content from the OFBiz system to external systems and viceversa. Various import/export systems and formats are available.
The Configuration section is used to set parameters for the OFBiz system.
This is a small guide for everybody involved in converting the Mini Language into Groovy.
Why is this important? This tutorial is directly linked to the efforts of converting all scripts in Mini Language to newer Groovy Scripts. All of this is done, because Groovy is much more readable and easier to review, more up to date and many other reasons, which can be found here: Proposal for deprecating Mini Language To contribute, or just be up to date with the current process, you can look at the existing JIRA issue OFBIZ-9350 - Deprecate Mini Lang |
For memory, a description of the Mini Language guide can be found at the OFBiz wiki - Mini Language Reference |
The following paragraph is for Eclipse users.
It is possible to get Groovy support in Eclipse by converting the loaded project to a Groovy Project. The project itself will work as before.
To do this just follow these few steps:
Right-click on the project that has to be converted
Click on "Configure"
Click on "Convert to Groovy Project"
Eclipse will automatically load the file OfbizDslDescriptorForEclipse.dsld , in which the known fields and methods used in Groovy Scripts are defined.
property name: 'parameters'
type : 'java.util.Map'
These are the parameters given to the Groovy Script, when it is called as a service. It is equivalent to Map<String, Object>
context in the Java-Service-Definition.
property name: 'context'
type: 'java.util.Map'
More parameters, which are, for example, given through a screen or another Groovy Script. This is important when the script is called through an action segment of a screen.
property name: 'delegator'
type: 'org.apache.ofbiz.entity.Delegator'
Normal instance of the Delegator, which is used for special database access.
property name: 'dispatcher'
type: 'org.apache.ofbiz.service.LocalDispatcher'
Normal instance of the LocalDispatcher, which is used to call services and other service-like operations.
property name: 'security'
type: 'org.apache.ofbiz.security.Security'
Normal instance of the Security-Interface with which permission checks are done.
method name: 'runService'
type: 'java.util.Map'
params: [serviceName: 'String', inputMap: 'java.util.Map']
Helping method to call services instead of dispatcher.runSync(serviceName, inputMap). Also possible: run service: serviceName, with: inputMap
method name: 'makeValue'
type: 'java.util.Map'
params: [entityName: 'String']
Helping method to make a GenericValue instead of delegator.makeValue(entityName). Creates an empty GenericValue of the specific entity.
method name: 'findOne'
type: 'java.util.Map'
params: [entityName: 'String', inputMap: 'java.util.Map']
Helping method to find one GenericValue in the database. Used instead of delegator.findOne(entityName, inputMap)
method name: 'findList'
type: 'java.util.List'
params: [entityName: 'String', inputMap: 'java.util.Map']
Helping method to find many GenericValue in the database. Used instead of delegator.findList(entityName, inputMap, null, null, null, false)
method name: 'select'
type: 'org.apache.ofbiz.entity.util.EntityQuery'
params: [entity: 'java.util.Set']
Helping method used instead of EntityQuery.use(delegator).select(…)
method name: 'select', type: 'org.apache.ofbiz.entity.util.EntityQuery', params: [entity: 'String…']
As above.
method name: 'from'
type: 'org.apache.ofbiz.entity.util.EntityQuery'
params: [entity: 'java.lang.Object']
Helping method used instead of EntityQuery.use(delegator).from(…)
method name: 'success'
type: 'def'
params: [message: 'String']
Helping method used instead of ServiceUtil.returnSuccess(message)
method name: 'failure'
type: 'java.util.Map'
params: [message: 'String']
Helping method used instead of ServiceUtil.returnFailure(message)
method name: 'error'
type: 'def'
params: [message: 'String']
Helping method used instead of ServiceUtil.returnError(message)
method name: 'logInfo'
type: 'void'
params: [message: 'String']
Helping method used instead of Debug.logInfo(message, fileName)
method name: 'logWarning'
type: 'void'
params: [message: 'String']
Helping method used instead of Debug.logWarning(message, fileName)
method name: 'logError'
type: 'void'
params: [message: 'String']
Helping method used instead of Debug.logError(message, fileName)
method name: 'logVerbose'
type: 'void'
params: [message: 'String']
Helping method used instead of Debug.logVerbose(message, fileName)
The actual definition of the methods can be found in `/framework/service/src/main/java/org/apache/ofbiz/service/engine/GroovyBaseScript.groovy
the variables dctx
, dispatcher
and delegator
are set in the file GroovyEngine.java
which can be found in the same location.
To see additional examples and finished conversions, which may help with occurring questions, click: OFBIZ-9350 - Deprecate Mini Lang There is a chance that a similar case has already been converted.
When a simple-method ends, it will automatically at least return a success-map. |
All the Groovy Services have to return success at least, too.
return success()
MiniLang files consist of services, which, in most cases, implement services.
The get converted to Groovy like the following:
<!-- This is MiniLang -->
<simple-method method-name="createProductCategory" short-description="Create an ProductCategory">
<!-- Code -->
// This is the converted Groovy equivalent
* Create an ProductCategory
def createProductCategory() {
// Code
It will be useful for future developers, and everybody who has to check something in the code, to put at least the short-description as the new Groovydoc. This will hopefully more or less explain, what the method should or shouldn’t do. If the short-description isn’t helpful enough, feel free complete it.
The structure of if and else in MiniLang is a little different than the one from Groovy or Java and can be a bit confusing when first seen, so here is an example:
<if-empty field="parameters.productCategoryId">
<sequenced-id sequence-name="ProductCategory" field="newEntity.productCategoryId"/>
<set field="newEntity.productCategoryId" from-field="parameters.productCategoryId"/>
<check-id field="newEntity.productCategoryId"/>
Notice, that the else always starts before the if-tag is closed, but sometimes isn’t indented as one would expect it. |
When navigating through bigger if
-phrases, the navigation itself will be much easier through just clicking in the opening or closing if
-tag; Eclipse will automatically mark the matching opening or closing if
-tag for you.
There are two possibilities to initialize a field/variable in Groovy.
To define a field/variable with its correct typing
String fieldName = "value"`
To just "define" a field/variable. The IDE you are working with may not recognize the typing, but OFBiz can work with it:
def fieldName = "value"
Minilang | Groovy |
Minilang | Groovy |
Minilang | Groovy |
Minilang | Groovy |
Minilang | Groovy |
To also check for admin-permissions, this method has to be used:hasEntityPermission(permission, action, userLogin)
If the method is used with wildcards, it is important to not forget the underscore, which comes before the parameter action!
Minilang | Groovy |
The first two simple-method are deprecated; the third method should have been used instead.
Minilang | Groovy |
Since all of the log methods are know to the Groovy Language, it is possible to just nearly use them as they are in MiniLang.
For further explanation, here are some examples:
Minilang | Groovy |
Minilang | Groovy |
If you find yourself in a position, where you don’t know how to convert a certain tag from MiniLang to Groovy, you can always check the Java implementation of the MiniLang method.
All of the methods have an existing Java implementation and you can find all of them in this folder: /ofbiz/trunk/framework/minilang/src/main/java/org/apache/ofbiz/minilang/method
The interesting part of this implementation is the method exec()
, which actually runs the MiniLang tag.
The tag <remove-by-and>
for example is realized using this part of code here:
public boolean exec(MethodContext methodContext) throws MiniLangException {
String entityName = entityNameFse.expandString(methodContext.getEnvMap());
if (entityName.isEmpty()) {
throw new MiniLangRuntimeException("Entity name not found.", this);
try {
Delegator delegator = getDelegator(methodContext);
delegator.removeByAnd(entityName, mapFma.get(methodContext.getEnvMap()));
} catch (GenericEntityException e) {
String errMsg = "Exception thrown while removing entities: " + e.getMessage();
Debug.logWarning(e, errMsg, module);
simpleMethod.addErrorMessage(methodContext, errMsg);
return false;
return true;
In this you can find one important part of code, which is:
delegator.removeByAnd(entityName, mapFma.get(methodContext.getEnvMap()));
This tells you, that, if you’re trying to convert the tag <remove-by-and>
, you can use delegator.removeByAnd()
in Groovy.
Define test-suite in ofbiz-component.xml like this:
<test-suite loader="main" location="testdef/servicetests.xml"/>
Create test-case in test-suite file.
<test-suite suite-name="servicetests"
<test-case case-name="test-case-name">
Define a test-case in an XML test-suite file like this:
<test-case case-name="test-case-name">
The test-case tag contains details of each test type:
Specific entity xml and its action would like to be tested in entity-xml-url attribute and action attribute respectively like this:
<test-case case-name="service-dead-lock-retry-assert-data">
<entity-xml action="assert" entity-xml-url="component://service/testdef/data/ServiceDeadLockRetryAssertData.xml"/>
Specific class’s name which will be tested, in a class-name attribute like this:
<test-case case-name="service-tests">
<junit-test-suite class-name="org.apache.ofbiz.service.test.ServiceEngineTests"/>
Specific service’s name which will be tested in a service-name attribute like this:
<test-case case-name="service-lock-wait-timeout-retry-test">
<service-test service-name="testServiceLockWaitTimeoutRetry"/>
Specific simple method’s location and name which will be tested in a location and a name attribute respectively like this:
<test-case case-name="auto-accounting-transaction-tests-PoReceipt">
<simple-method-test location="component://accounting/minilang/test/AutoAcctgTransTests.xml" name="testAcctgTransOnPoReceipts"/>
You can run unit test by run 'gradle' with following target:
gradlew test
gradlew testIntegration
gradlew 'ofbiz --test'
It is possible to start integration tests with a log level different from the default one. The log levels allowed are listed below from most verbose to least verbose:
gradlew "ofbiz --test loglevel=fatal"
run a test case, in this example the component is "entity" and the case name is "entity-tests"
gradlew "ofbiz --test component=entity --test suitename=entitytests --test case=entity-query-tests"
listens on port 5005
gradlew "ofbiz --test component=entity --test loglevel=verbose" --debug-jvm
gradlew "ofbiz --test component=entity --test suitename=entitytests"
listens on port 5005
gradlew "ofbiz --test component=entity --test suitename=entitytests" --debug-jvm
Some error messages in the log are not important and often caused by the test.
Roll back error message occurred when transaction roll back data. This error message will be in between starting and finished test cass line like this:
[java] 2009-12-22 16:05:28,349 (main) [ TestRunContainer.java:238:INFO ] [JUNIT] : [test case's name] starting...
[java] 2009-12-22 16:05:28,355 (main) [ TransactionUtil.java:336:ERROR]
[java] ---- exception report ----------------------------------------------------------
[java] [TransactionUtil.rollback]
[java] Exception: java.lang.Exception
[java] Message: Stack Trace
[java] ---- stack trace ---------------------------------------------------------------
[java] java.lang.Exception: Stack Trace
[java] org.apache.ofbiz.entity.transaction.TransactionUtil.rollback(TransactionUtil.java:335)
[java] org.apache.ofbiz.entity.transaction.TransactionUtil.rollback(TransactionUtil.java:317)
[java] org.apache.ofbiz.entity.test.EntityTestSuite.testTransactionUtilRollback(EntityTestSuite.java:437)
[java] sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
[java] sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
[java] sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
[java] java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)
[java] junit.framework.TestCase.runTest(TestCase.java:154)
[java] junit.framework.TestCase.runBare(TestCase.java:127)
[java] junit.framework.TestResult$1.protect(TestResult.java:106)
[java] junit.framework.TestResult.runProtected(TestResult.java:124)
[java] junit.framework.TestResult.run(TestResult.java:109)
[java] junit.framework.TestCase.run(TestCase.java:118)
[java] junit.framework.TestSuite.runTest(TestSuite.java:208)
[java] junit.framework.TestSuite.run(TestSuite.java:203)
[java] junit.framework.TestSuite.runTest(TestSuite.java:208)
[java] junit.framework.TestSuite.run(TestSuite.java:203)
[java] org.apache.ofbiz.testtools.TestRunContainer.start(TestRunContainer.java:146)
[java] org.apache.ofbiz.base.container.ContainerLoader.start(ContainerLoader.java:100)
[java] org.apache.ofbiz.base.start.Start.startStartLoaders(Start.java:272)
[java] org.apache.ofbiz.base.start.Start.startServer(Start.java:322)
[java] org.apache.ofbiz.base.start.Start.start(Start.java:326)
[java] org.apache.ofbiz.base.start.Start.main(Start.java:411)
[java] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[java] 2009-12-22 16:05:28,366 (main) [ TransactionUtil.java:346:INFO ] [TransactionUtil.rollback] transaction rolled back
[java] 2009-12-22 16:05:28,370 (main) [ TestRunContainer.java:234:INFO ] [JUNIT] : [test case's name] finished.
After you run unit test, you can see the result of the testing.
If you use run-tests target, you can see test result web page by view runtime/logs/test-results/html/index.html
file in web browser and see JUnit Test Result files for each test suite in runtime/logs/test-results directory.
If you use other target you only see JUnit Test Result file in runtime/logs/test-results.
For a core configuration guide check the OFBiz configuration Guide (some points are not up to date).
OFBiz can receive email for multiple email addresses and via an MCA can create Communication events for the involved parties
of the email.
Email attachments, via again the MCA are stored in the content component and can be accessed via the content Id.
Examples of an MCA can be found in the Party and Content Component.
To receive email a single POP/IMAP mailbox is polled at regular intervals.
This is configured in the ${ofbiz install dir}/framework/service/ofbiz-component.xml file in the commented section
JavaMail Listener Container.
Any email address you want to be handled by OFBiz need to be forwarded to this single mailbox by an external mail server.
OFBiz then will try to match the email addresses to existing parties and will create a single communication event referring
to the found parties.
If an incoming email address cannot be matched against a party, the communication event will get a special status and the receiving party can either delete the communication event or can ask the system to automatically create a party from the incoming email address.
By default the configuaration file has the email poller commented out.
The parameters to this function are pretty self explanatory.
Various parts in the OFBiz application are sending out email for various reasons.
Sending out email is controlled in the ${ofbiz install dir}/framework/common/config/general.properties file with the following parameters:
SMTP Server (relay host): mail.smtp.relay.host
SMTP Username (if needed): mail.smtp.auth.user
SMTP Password (if needed): mail.smtp.auth.password
Turn on email notifications by setting the mail.notifications.enabled property to "Y".
In matter of security, to be sure to be up to date, the first place to look at is https://ofbiz.apache.org/security.html
For more details you may be also interested by https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-1525
If you look for how to handle access permissions, this page should help you: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OFBIZ/OFBiz+Security+Permissions
Last but not least, you will certainly find useful, the security section of The Apache OFBiz Technical Production Setup Guide
OFBiz uses Gradle for many things, including building and running OFBiz.
Out Of The Box (OOTB) you get versions of third parties libraries which might need to be updated from time to time. For that you may take as an example to follow https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-10213
The Apache OFBiz Project Release trunk
Demo and seed passwords are stored in files loaded through security ofbiz-component.xml. To know more about that be sure to read:
The technical production setup guide notably "Initial Data Loading" and "Security Settings" sections
These configuration steps are not to be neglected for the security of a production environment |
JSON Web Token (JWT) is an Internet standard for creating JSON-based access tokens that assert some number of claims.
We currently use JWT in 2 places:
To let users safely recreate passwords (in backend and frontend)
To allow SSO (Single Sign-on) jumpings from an OFBiz instance to another on another domain, by also using CORS ( Cross-origin resource sharing) on the target server
When you use JWT, in order to sign your tokens, you have the choice of using a sole so called secret key or a pair of public/private keys: https://jwt.io/introduction/.
You might prefer to use pair of public/private keys, for now by default OFBiz uses a simple secret key. Remains the way how to store this secret key. This is an interesting introduction about this question.
The first idea which comes to mind is to use a property in the security.properties file. It’s safe as long as your file system is not compromised.
You may also pick a SystemProperty entity (overrides the file property). It’s safe as long as your DB is not compromised.
We recommend to not use an environment variable as those can be considered weak:
You may want to tie the encryption key to the logged in user. This is used by the password recreation feature. The JWT secret key is salted with a combination of the current logged in user and her/his password. This is a simple and effective safe way.
Use a JTI (JWT ID). A JTI prevents a JWT from being replayed. This auth0 blog article get deeper in that. The same is kinda achieved with the password recreation feature. When the user log in after the new password creation, the password has already been changed. So the link (in the sent email) containing the JWT for the creation of the new password can’t be reused.
Tie the encryption key to the hardware. You can refer to this Wikipedia page for more information.
If you want to get deeper in this get to this OWASP documentation
Note: if you want to use a pair of public/private keys you might want to consider leveraging the Java Key Store that is also used by the "catalina" component to store certificates. Then don’t miss to read:
Also remember that like everything a JWT can be attacked and, though not used or tried in OFBiz yet, a good way is to mitigate an attack by using a KeyProvider. I have created OFBIZ-11187 for that.
The security.properties file contains five related properties:
# -- If false, then no externalLoginKey parameters will be added to cross-webapp urls security.login.externalLoginKey.enabled=true
# -- Security key used to encrypt and decrypt the autogenerated password in forgot password functionality. # Read Passwords and JWT (JSON Web Tokens) usage documentation to choose the way you want to store this key login.secret_key_string=login.secret_key_string
# -- Time To Live of the token send to the external server in seconds security.jwt.token.expireTime=1800
# -- Enables the internal Single Sign On feature which allows a token based login between OFBiz instances # -- To make this work you also have to configure a secret key with security.token.key security.internal.sso.enabled=false
# -- The secret key for the JWT token signature. Read Passwords and JWT (JSON Web Tokens) usage documentation to choose the way you want to store this key security.token.key=security.token.key
There are also SSO related SystemProperties in SSOJWTDemoData.xml:
<SystemProperty systemResourceId="security" systemPropertyId="security.internal.sso.enabled" systemPropertyValue="false"/>
<SystemProperty systemResourceId="security" systemPropertyId="security.token.key" systemPropertyValue="security.token.key"/>
<SystemProperty systemResourceId="security" systemPropertyId="SameSiteCookieAttribute" systemPropertyValue="strict"/>
The introduction of the same-site attribute set to 'strict' for all cookies prevents the internal Single Sign On feature. Why is clearly explained here.
So same-site attribute set to 'none' is necessary for the internal SSO to work, 'lax' is not enough. So if someone wants to use the internal SSO feature s/he also needs to use the CSRF token defense. If s/he wants to be safe from CSRF attacks. Unfortunately, due backporting difficulties, this option is currently (2020-04-15) only available in trunk.
An alternative would be to use the Fetch Javascript API with the
credentials: "include"
option to enable CORS. Here is an example
For those interested, there are more information in https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-11594
Be sure to read Keeping OFBiz secure
The Apache OFBiz Project Release trunk
The SameSite attribute is an effective counter measure to cross-site request forgery, cross-site script inclusion, and timing attacks.
By default OOTB the SameSiteFilter property sets the same-site attribute value to 'strict. SameSiteFilter allows to change to 'lax' if needed. If you use 'lax' we recommend that you set the csrf.defense.strategy property to org.apache.ofbiz.security.CsrfDefenseStrategy in order to provide an effective defense against CSRF attacks.
The security.properties file contains related properties:
# -- By default the SameSite value in SameSiteFilter is 'strict'. # -- This property allows to change to 'lax' if needed. # -- If you use 'lax' we recommend that you set # -- org.apache.ofbiz.security.CsrfDefenseStrategy # -- for csrf.defense.strategy (see below) SameSiteCookieAttribute=
# -- The cache size for the Tokens Maps that stores the CSRF tokens. # -- RemoveEldestEntry is used when it's get above csrf.cache.size # -- Default is 5000 # -- TODO: possibly separate tokenMap size from partyTokenMap size csrf.cache.size=
# -- Parameter name for CSRF token. Default is "csrf" if not specified csrf.tokenName.nonAjax=
# -- The csrf.entity.request.limit is used to show how to avoid cluttering the Tokens Maps cache with URIs starting with "entity/" # -- It can be useful with large Database contents, ie with a large numbers of tuples, like "entity/edit/Agreement/10000, etc. # -- The same principle can be extended to other cases similar to "entity/" URIs (harcoded or using similar properties). # -- Default is 3 csrf.entity.request.limit=
# -- CSRF defense strategy. # -- Because OFBiz OOTB also sets the SameSite attribute to 'strict' for all cookies, # -- which is an effective CSRF defense, # -- default is org.apache.ofbiz.security.NoCsrfDefenseStrategy if not specified. # -- Use org.apache.ofbiz.security.CsrfDefenseStrategy # -- if you need to use a 'lax' for SameSiteCookieAttribute csrf.defense.strategy=
There is also a SystemProperty in SSOJWTDemoData.xml:
<SystemProperty systemResourceId="security" systemPropertyId="SameSiteCookieAttribute" systemPropertyValue="strict"/>
The Apache OFBiz Project Release trunk
User Impersonation is a feature that offer a way to select a user login and impersonate it, i.e. see what the user could see navigating through the application in his name.
An authorized user (see security and controls section for configuration), can select a user that will be impersonated.
The impersonation start, if everything is well configured, in current application (partymgr for the demo). Everything appears like if we were logged in with the userLoginId and the valid password (though we know nothing about it)
The only thing showing that we currently are impersonating a user is the little bottom-right image :
This icon indicates, when clicking on it, the user impersonated, and offer a way to depersonate.
The impersonate period is stored for audit purpose, and if the impersonator forgot to depersonate, the period is terminated one hour after impersonation start.
This feature can draw some concerns about security aspect. This paragraph will introduce every controls and properties that have been implemented around the impersonation feature.
These configuration steps are not to be neglected for a production environment since this feature offer a way to act in place of another user. |
The security.properties file introduce two properties that control impersonation feature :
security.disable.impersonation = true
This property, set by default to true, controls the activation of impersonation feature. If no configuration is done any user trying to use impersonation will face an error message, indicating that the feature is disabled.
To enable impersonation this property need to be set to false
security.login.authorised.during.impersonate = false
This property controls the way impersonation occurred to the impersonated user :
In default configuration, the impersonated user see nothing and can use the application without knowing that he is currently impersonated. Several authorized user can impersonate a same login without any issue.
This configuration is intended for testing/QA environment allowing any authorized user to impersonate a login to validate its configuration, test the application etc. |
Set to true, this configuration improve the control of the data generated by the impersonated user. Indeed, Only one authorized user can impersonate a login at the same time, and during the impersonation process, the impersonated user is unable to act within the application.
Since the impersonation period is stored in database, the actions done by the authorized user can be identified if there is the need to do so.
This configuration is intended for production environment |
First, to be able to use impersonation, a user need to possess IMPERSONATE_ADMIN permissions. Demo data offer
IMPERSONATION security group for this purpose.
In demo data, FULLADMIN security group also possess the permission.
An authorized user cannot impersonate any user. There are two main controls that will restrict the impersonation feature.
It is impossible to impersonate a user that is granted any of the admin permission :
It is impossible to impersonate a user that has more permission than your user. Even if the missing persmission is a minor one.
The Apache OFBiz Project Release trunk
This feature is for now disabled. You may use it locally if you want… |
As it’s a long read you might prefer this summary:
the dependency verification is an incubating feature. So we will wait before backporting from trunk… |
By default OFBiz comes with OOTB Gradle dependency verification.
This means that it embeds a verification-metadata.xml file and a verification-keyring.gpg in OFBiz gradle sub-directory which is used during builds and other tasks to verify dependencies.
These files are initially created using :
gradlew --write-verification-metadata pgp,sha256 help gradlew --write-verification-metadata pgp,sha256 --export-keys |
These command creates or updates the verification-metadata.xml and verification-keyring.gpg files which respectively contains the checksums for each of declared dependencies and the related keys
Currently the status is it’s incomplete in OFBiz. You get this message:
Some artifacts aren’t signed or the signature couldn’t be retrieved.
Some signature verification failed. Checksums were generated for those artifacts but you MUST check if there’s an actual problem. Look for entries with the following comment: PGP verification failed PGP verification failed
Only 6 keys are concerned. This does not prevent the verification to work using metadata, though it’s better to check the situation in case of doubts (OK OTTB). You may use
gradlew build --refresh-keys |
To recreate the keys
The verification-metadata.xml file contains 2 entries that can be set to true or false to check or ignore the 2 functionalities:
<verify-metadata>true</verify-metadata> <verify-signatures>true</verify-signatures> |
Finally, you may refer to https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-12186 for more information.
The Apache OFBiz Project
From the directory in which you want to create the keystore, run keytool with the following parameters.
Generate the server certificate.
$ keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keypass changeit -storepass changeit -keystore keystore.jks
When you press Enter, keytool prompts you to enter the server name, organizational unit, organization, locality, state, and country code.
Note that you must enter the server name in response to keytool’s first prompt, in which it asks for first and last names. |
For testing purposes, this can be localhost.
Export the generated server certificate in keystore.jks into the file server.cer.
$ keytool -export -alias tomcat -storepass changeit -file server.cer -keystore keystore.jks
To create the trust-store file cacerts.jks and add the server certificate to the trust-store, run keytool from the directory where you created the keystore and server certificate. Use the following parameters:
$ keytool -import -v -trustcacerts -alias tomcat -file server.cer -keystore cacerts.jks -keypass changeit -storepass changeit
Information on the certificate, such as that shown next, will display.
$ keytool -import -v -trustcacerts -alias tomcat -file server.cer -keystore cacerts.jks -keypass changeit -storepass changeit
Owner: CN=localhost, OU=Sun Micro, O=Docs, L=Santa Clara, ST=CA, C=US
Issuer: CN=localhost, OU=Sun Micro, O=Docs, L=Santa Clara, ST=CA, C=US
Serial number: 3e932169
Valid from: Tue Apr 08
Certificate fingerprints:
MD5: 52:9F:49:68:ED:78:6F:39:87:F3:98:B3:6A:6B:0F:90
SHA1: EE:2E:2A:A6:9E:03:9A:3A:1C:17:4A:28:5E:97:20:78:3F:
Trust this certificate? [no]:
Enter yes, and then press the Enter or Return key. The following information displays:
Certificate was added to keystore
[Saving cacerts.jks]
Download CAS server from the CAS web site.
Deploy cas-server-webapp-[version].war to Tomcat
Set key store file to Tomcat
Start Tomcat
Set trust store’s file to Java Virtual Machine (JVM) before start OFBiz.
OFBiz uses the LDAP component in the plugins to check the security in a web application.
LDAP properties file is plugins/ldap/config/ldap.xml.
You can change a filter condition you want.
Attribute : LDAP attbitue for filter e.g. uid=%u
AuthenType : LDAP authentication method e.g. simple
AuthenticaionHandler : CAS handler class e.g. org.apache.ofbiz.ldap.cas.OFBizCasAuthenticationHandler
AutoPartyId : Party’s id for user login e.g. admin
AutoSecurityGroupId : Security group’s id for user login e.g. FULLADMIN
BaseDN : The top level ofbiz LDAP directory tree e.g. dc=example,dc=com
Filter : LDAP search filter e.g. (objectclass=*)
Scope : LDAP search scope parameter e.g. sub,one, etc.
URL : LDAP server’s url e.g. ldap://localhost:389
UserOFBizLoginWhenLDAPFail : indicate that if LDAP fail then login with normal OFBiz’s user or not. (true/false)
CasLoginUri : URI to CAS login e.g. /login
CasLogoutUri : URI to CAS logout e.g. /logout
CasUrl : CAS Server’s URL e.g. https://localhost:8443/cas
CasValidateUri : URI to CAS validate e.g. /validate
CasLdapHandler : LDAP hanlder class e.g. org.apache.ofbiz.ldap.openldap.OFBizLdapAuthenticationHandler
CasTGTCookieName : CAS TGT’s cookie name e.g. CASTGC
The LDAP component need data from LDAP server (OpenLDAP). The server needs to install, configure and populate OpenLDAP: see at the OpenLDAP web site.
Every web application you need to use LDAP (single sign on) feature, you need to change the event’s path of some the security request mappings to org.apache.ofbiz.ldap.LdapLoginWorker class.
<request-map uri="checkLogin" edit="false">
<description>Verify a user is logged in.</description>
<security https="true" auth="false"/>
<event type="java" path="org.apache.ofbiz.ldap.LdapLoginWorker" invoke="checkLogin"/>
<response name="success" type="view" value="main"/>
<response name="error" type="view" value="login"/>
<request-map uri="login">
<security https="true" auth="false"/>
<event type="java" path="org.apache.ofbiz.ldap.LdapLoginWorker" invoke="login"/>
<response name="success" type="view" value="main"/>
<response name="requirePasswordChange" type="view" value="requirePasswordChange"/>
<response name="error" type="view" value="login"/>
<request-map uri="logout">
<security https="true" auth="true"/>
<event type="java" path="org.apache.ofbiz.ldap.LdapLoginWorker" invoke="logout"/>
<response name="success" type="request-redirect" value="main"/>
<response name="error" type="view" value="main"/>