30 juin 2019

English documentation for VueJs POC

This month some time have been using to write some documentations on

  • how to install VuejsPortal plugin

  • describe some choices done

  • explain some main technical architecture for this POC

Now lookup works, it’s not perfect but using a dedicated lookupDecorator and a specifics hack in the handler to manage autocompletion process, there is a demonstration in ExampleRecap PortalPage.

Some Reworks has been done on link vuejs component to manage some functions/attributes, ex: the event-update-area
Link intra-app and inter-app works, there are example in ExampleMgmt PortalPage.
Link is complex because some time it’s only a store update which is necessary to generate, not a real html link ;-)

ofbizextra infra

The migration to a VPS infra has started, currently some tests have been done and the migration plan on agile mode is writing as a draft.

Why this migration

In the current infra we are using docker and kubernetess for most of virtual environment.
After using these tools, for a simgle configuration like ours, during 3 years, time consuming to manage tools is more than time saving in deployment or configuration.
So we have decided to simplify configuration, one VM by ofbiz environment for example, and install - configuration is done by the jenkins job.
In current server it was not more possible to add multiple VM, most of resources are full. ;-)

We hope, it will be more easy to integrate new Apache Release environement and new project in the futur.

From a more general standpoint, we hope having more flexibility on infrastructure technics evolutions, for example :

  • re-starting using new techno like docker / kubernetess

  • migrate to an other VPS supplier

  • spilting selenium test environment

  • …​